Vipra is a brand inside a brand. Child of the Bigi’s winery, but without a real interest in travelling rhetoric streets anchored to the history. With its modern channel, it calls personality and a tone of voice up to date: lateral and itinerant thinking.
#attentiallavipra brings the brand
to a trip around Milan
during the fashion week.
Vipra go down to the street
with a personalized ApeCar,
all around the city.
An initiative create
with the aim of conquering
new fans in the community.
The high social tasted hashtag,
rewards the virality of
the user’s pictures.
The project mainly
develops online,
with a website and on Facebook.
Into the web contest,
we want to pay tribute to a real
supporter of the Italian lifestyle.
The #attentiallavipra project
participates with a special
preview at the VFNO.
A photographer captures
and portrays all the main characters
dof the event.